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by football sponsors
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by football sponsors
Showcase your skills to scouts, agents, brands and sponsors
to gain visibility now
About platform
Evoll connects amateur and semi-professional football clubs and sponsors, which leads to simple, but efficient partnerships.
Efficient platform for mutual growth of amateur football and businesses
Amateur football clubs will be able to find sponsorship and do blogs
Sponsor will be able to find new markets and track projects that catch their interest
Football clubs & amateur players
  • Dynamic growth
Helpful for
  • Development of sports career
  • Finding talents
  • Growth of investment portfolio
  • Increasing awareness of brands
  • Clear choice of partners
  • Ability to communicate via private messenger
  • Transparent visibility of partner account
Evoll is a unique platform that supports amateur football clubs and sponsors
  • Finding new solutions to secure sponsorship
  • Development of sports career for players and clubs
  • Dynamic growth of your career and brand
  • Increasing awareness via efficient marketing for brands
  • Growth of investment portfolio for sponsors
Evoll is available for FREE
Unique platform
no direct analogs
Easily scalable
on other sports and countries
Smooth interaction
teams, sponsors, players, agents and brands
Support for different types of transactions
monetary and non-monetary
Transaction security
integrity and transparency for everyone
Modules and services
for diverse needs of consumers
Simple start for a brighter future
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